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5 Characters I Really, Really, Really, Wanted To See Dead (But Still Didn't Die Fast Enough)
October 31, 2007
One key to a horror movie's success is strong characters that are able to evoke sympathy from you and me, the viewing audience. Of course, this doesn't happen for the most part, and the genre is dominated by characters that are best described as cannon fodder for the meat wagon. Once in awhile, a writer will slip up and ask you to identify with characters that you don't want to associate with, even hypothetically, either by being generally unpleasant, dunderheaded or a combination thereof.
DVD In My Pants Picks the Top DVDs of 2007
January 8, 2008
What?? Another year gone by already? It seems like only yesterday that we were listing our Best DVDs of 2006. Well, certainly can't stop the march of time, and we wouldn't want to! Another year means another batch of movies to enjoy on DVD (or Blu-Ray if you're one of those fancy pants HD types) and once again, we have the lowdown on the year's best!
The Top Ten Most Wanted DVDs of 2006 by Chris Hughes
December 20 , 2006
Now that DVD has gone mainstream, video stores are filled with a bewildering array of releases. Even the best intentioned of holiday shoppers could become overwhelmed with all the choices. Luckily for you, is home to a vital community of die-hard cinephiles who have their collective finger on the pulse of the home video market. We polled our forum to find out what discs our members are most eagerly anticipating finding under the tree this year. They came up with ten sure-fire gift ideas covering everything from television to comedy to action and drama. Here then is ’ Top Ten Most Wanted DVDs of 2006. We did the work so you don’t have to!
The Staff Picks The Best DVDs of 2006 by Chris Hughes
December 19 , 2006
What would the end of the year be without a “best-of” list? In December, magazines, newspapers, TV shows and Web sites are all busy publishing their best-of lists and we here at decided to join in the fun. Our well dressed, impeccably groomed and down right good-looking staff worked their virtual fingers to the bone sorting through all the DVD releases of the last year to find the crème de la crème in Action/Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Cult, Drama, Horror, Kids, Music, Science Fiction and Television genres. We believe that these releases stand out from the pack and would make great gifts for anyone on your list. If you agree with our choices, make sure and visit our forum to give us a pat on the back, or, if you disagree, pop in and tell us why!
 ' Top Hockey Movies by Larry Phillips
June 6, 2006
Ice Hockey. Two words that seem to send Americans running for the door faster than you can say “nude photos of Kathy Bates.” This team sport, which has a long and glorious history in the United States, can’t seem to catch a break. Granted, the sport has done itself few favors to ingratiate itself with the masses, the recent strike/lockout being no exception. At least hockey has some sort of niche appeal, unlike soccer, which is only attended by a handful of European immigrants and the reviled beast known as “soccer mom.” Yet, the push continues to make Americans understand and even love the sport.
In honor of this year’s NHL Playoffs, I am compiling another of ’ famous “Best Of” lists. To honor the NHL’s “Original Six” teams, I give you ’ Top Six Hockey Movies! Oh fuck, who am I kidding? I couldn’t find 10 hockey movies in total, let alone 10 good ones. Six is it, bub.
Plays: Block Busters Sink Or Swim by Eric San Juan
May 25, 2006
Memorial Day Weekend is here, and with it the start of the summer blockbuster season. Big movies. Big crowds. And highly over inflated expectations. This summer it is (once again), sequel, sequel, sequel, with superheroes and pirates taking center stage in the race for your theater going dollar. Which blockbusters will sink, destined to be remembered as flops? Which presumed mega-hits will live up to the hype and expectations, swimming to memorable summer classic status? The staff weighs in on what big hits they think will make the cut and which films will get the axe from viewers.
13 Dracula Films You NEED To See by Trevor Griffiths
April 13, 2006
The name alone conjures images of bats, fog-strewn moors, coffins and castles. There is so much baggage attached to the name that it is impossible not to immediately picture him in your mind. Most people will probably picture Bela Lugosi with his piercing eyes and thick accent. “Velcome.” Others may imagine the imposing figure of Christopher Lee’s Dracula. Others may picture the mustachioed madman on whom Bram Stoker’s novel is loosely inspired.
 ' Best Films Of 2005 by Larry Phillips
March 9, 2006
Very few things band humanity together in this day and age, and some of the very things that do are also the most divisive: Politics, religion, class, and most importantly ... cinema.
Movies may be the only thing that can bring the eclectic readership of together. As much as the staff and membership argue about film, allowing for tastes that can be polar opposites, even we can agree on a few things.
 ' Top DVD Releases Of 2005 by Eric San Juan
January 5, 2006
There is no question about it, the DVD format just keeps getting better and better. Are you looking at the horizon to see what HD-DVD and Blu Ray have in store? Hold your horses, be patient and wait to see which format wins the hi-definition war. It’s not as if you’ll be missing much if you do. For film enthusiasts, never has there been a better time to indulge in your favorite cinema. From classics both legendary and cult to mainstream blockbuster films and popular TV shows, slowly but surely it’s all becoming available on DVD, and in the case of some of the very best DVD releases, available in packages jammed full of fantastic supplementary material, adding new insight, depth and enjoyment to old favorites.
My Favorite Santas by John Felix
December 22, 2005
Ah, Christmas! The time of the year where thoughts turn to pain, sorrow, loneliness and the contemplation of suicide. I can’t think of a single Christmas in my life that wasn’t completely and utterly disappointing. In fact, the phrase “NEVER AGAIN!” is uttered at such an alarming rate throughout December that you could probably create a drinking game around its use.
In fact, I’m going to take a guess and assume that this article is going to be the most positive Christmas experience I’ve ever had and possibly will ever have. Yes, it’s time to compile another Internet movie list, to compile a list of obvious choices, obscure references, and gag entries that are inserted as a joke, but are really there to fill in dead space. Here’s a collection of my favorite Santas in television and movie history!
Noto’s Corrupt Christmas Films by Shawn McLoughlin
December 15, 2005
As anyone who has ever conversed with me on the forum or anyone who has ever read one of my reviews can attest, I am a bitter asshole. I might be bittersweet at times, but bitter nevertheless. And always an asshole. Christmas means little, if anything, to my way of life. However, it should be just as obvious that I will watch just about anything placed in front of me. Misty Mundae or Marlon Brando? Doesn’t matter, I’ll check it out. So in my years of watching films not because I wanted to, but because they were “the only thing on” or because I was tired of tapping on my NES to get it to recognize the cartridges, I’ve happened on a few, well, different Christmas films. So here they are, in no real order, some whacked out Christmas movies. Consider it my gift to you this holiday season.
 ' 100 Greatest Movies Of All Time by Shawn McLoughlin
November 24, 2005
There are all kinds of great movies. There are the classically great movies, the awesomely great movies and the bad-yet-still-great movies. But what we have here trumps all that. This is the crème de la crème. These are the Batmans to shittier films’ Robins. These are the Dickens to other films’ Hubbards. Most definitely, these are the Chachies to other films’ Joanies.
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