DVD In My Pants
DIMP Contests

(DIMP) began with, uhm… a DVD in some dude’s pants. No, really. I kid you not.

Of course, there’s a little more to the story than that. DIMP actually began life as a small community of people who like to rant about movies, DVDs and TV. We congregated on a forum where we found people of like mind and shared our viewpoint with each other in happy harmony. Then one day, our founder (lostwire) had an idea: “Let’s grow this little community of ranters into a huge community of ranters! Our rants are a force of nature! We could rule the world!!” said he, or words to that effect, and thus the wheels were set in motion. Before too long we’d broken off from our original home and flown like a swarm of bees, laden with creative honey, to find a new home on the Web from whence to foist our unique viewpoint on an unsuspecting world. Oh, and at some point along the way lostwire put a DVD in his pants, took a picture of it and made us laugh so hard that we decided to christen our new hive “DVD In My Pants Dot Com” or DIMP, for short.

What does DIMP mean? It means quality reviews, interviews, contests, features, commentary, community and much more. You’re already here so browse around a little!

We think that you’ll find a lot to like.


is represented by Gorilla Nation. Please contact Gorilla Nation for ad rates, packages and general advertising information.




Available soon.


Owner/Art Director

Thank goodness no one ever told lostwire to stop putting DVDs in his pants, because if they did, DIMP would never have been born. From DIMP corporate headquarters, high above Michigan, in the glistening Pants Plaza building, lostwire oversees a pop cultural empire. When not putting DVDs in his pants, lostwire patrols the city on his vintage Lambretta motorscooter, fighting for truth, justice and the F.A.B. way.


Chris Hughes
Managing Editor/Front Page Administrator

On our forums, we call our editor “Surf Monkey” … but we're really not sure why, because he is entirely hairless and is afraid of the water. What we are sure about is that when this commie lovin' bastard isn't doing all that editing & impenetrable web code type stuff to keep looking all snazzy and pretty and awesome, he's writing some of the best damn reviews on the web. Just don't tell him we said so. He doesn't take compliments well, because he's kind of old. And grumpy. And he wants you to get off his damn lawn!


Executive Editor

Megan is the straw that stirs the DIMP drink. She’s an editrix with attitude that makes badly formed sentences shake in their boots. Her tireless dedication to our little Web site is an inspiration to everyone who contributes. She keeps us on our toes and on schedule as we plow through disc after disc and provide you the reader with the very best we have to offer.


Shawn McLoughlin
Staff Writer

How are you supposed to take a guy fascinated with Italians doing their version of American cop films, obsessed with anything involving girls kicking all sorts of ass, and currently barred from being within 100 yards of Milla Jovovich? Some may say you take him with a grain of salt. We say you take him with a giant afro wig and a slick pair of shades. (Don't ask what that's supposed to mean. We're not even sure ourselves.) Italian cinema? The best of exploitation? And Milla, Milla, Milla? Look no further than the featured reviews of Shawn McLoughlin.


John Felix
Staff Writer

According to rumor, staff writer John Felix has a collection of jars. And those jars are filled with blood. And no one, including John himself, has any idea where that blood came from. Yet those jars, along with his season passes to the magical and joyful confines of Disneyland and his Residents record collection, are the most important things in his life. And this, dear readers, sums up the frantically, frighteningly fucked up reviewing style of John Felix. But don't take our word for it. Click away and take a peek at his featured reviews.


Gerry Donaghy
Staff Writer

Thinking people would give a shit about his opinions was Gerry Donaghy's first mistake; deciding to share those opinions was his second.

Working under a bare bulb in an unassuming bungalow in Portland, Oregon, he writes with the verve and trenchant wit of somebody who takes himself far too seriously. He is a peerless commentator on subjects as diverse as the French nouvelle vogue, Asian action cinema and the Turkish dwarf porn phenomenon of the 1970's. He’s also a frequently in-demand gadfly on matters related to the book publishing industry.

Gerry's unfulfilled dreams include: wearing a Godzilla costume and stomping on a model replica of Kyoto, meeting Tura Satana, and discovering a copy of the unfinished Jerry Lewis film The Day the Clown Cried.


Eric Preston
Forum Administrator

You may not see his name much in these parts, but almost everything you see on has Eric's stamp on it. He's our technical wiz, the guy who keeps us online and ensures our crazy discussion forum is running smoothly. When he isn't fiddling with code only a mother can love, he's tackling reviews of trippy 1980s animation, spaced out music DVDs, experimental cinema and pretty much anything having to do with Pink Floyd. Ever cue up Dark Side Of The Moon and The Wizard Of Oz? Then drop a hit and give Eric's reviews a read.



Jeremy Bloss, Cary Christopher, Comedian, Gerry Donaghy, Bob Garrett, Trevor Griffiths, Icon, Robert Knaus, Chris Knight, Sean Lawler, Hardcore Legend, Lex M, Karen Martwick, Jim McDevitt, mlemmond, Palmerlime, Pender, Larry Phillips, Rhett, Eric San Juan, Alan Walter, and Mr. Wrinkles.

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