DVD In My Pants
DIMP Contests
DVD In My Pants Wants You!
By Chris Hughes

Hey! You there in front of the keyboard! Want some free DVDs and an opportunity to voice your cinematic pronouncements on an unsuspecting world? Want to get famous? Don't be shy! wants you!

Open Call for Submissions - DVD Reviews
You're here, so you probably already have an idea what is all about, but if you need a refresher, here goes: DIMP is about film and popular culture. We cover a wide range of subjects from DVDs and theatrical releases to comics, music and more. If you haven't already, browse around the sections and see for yourself.

Every month, we publish more than two dozen reviews and articles. It's a lot of fun, but we want to give our readers even more. Therefore, we're expanding our pool of contributors and looking for creative and enthusiastic people (like you) to join our writing staff.

Who We're Looking For:
Writers who are dedicated, insightful, opinionated, and passionate film fans. Anyone can type out a list of disc features and a plot summary; at DIMP, we value strong opinions, especially when they skirt conventional wisdom.

What To Send:
Submissions should be between 800 and 1,000 words. Our reviews usually have an introductory paragraph, followed by a brief plot summary, and then an analysis of the film. Sections on disc audio/video quality and extra features are required, though the format is up to you. If you want to go into a lot of detail about the transfer or audio tracks, you're free to do so. But if the technical stuff isn't your bag, or you equipment is pretty ancient, just let our readers know you watched the DVD on a black and white set. Finish it up with a conclusion, and don't forget to include your ratings for each area of the disc.

Confused? Take a look at DIMP's most recent reviews for examples of what our stuff looks like.

Where To Send It:
Submissions should be sent to with the subject line: "DIMP Review Submission - (title of the movie/your name)".

Feel free to send along a paragraph or two describing your background and interests. Links to other published examples of your writing are also encouraged, but not required.

But What's In It For Me?
DIMP reaches tens of thousands of readers each month, meaning your work will get broad exposure to a diverse community of film fans across the globe. Plus, if we like your work, and you like our staff, we'll hook you up to our stream of screeners and you'll get as many free DVDs as you can write about!

So, what are you waiting for? Those reviews don't write themselves!

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